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These Series/Parallel Battery Cables are designed to facilitate the connecting of two LiPo Batteries together, in either a Series or a Parallel configuration.  They are avilable with any of the most commonly used battery connectors pre-installed, including Deans (T-Type), XT-60, EC3, EC5, and XT-90.   Connectors are professionally soldered, to prevent the loss of power that often occurs with home-made cables, and that usually results in poor performance, or worse, a total loss of the model.


The series version of these cables connects the two battery packs together in such a way as to add the voltages of the packs together, while maintaining the same capacity.  For example, two 3S 11.1 volt 3000mAh LiPo packs connected together in series will produce the equivalent of a single 6S 22.2 volt 3000mAh pack.  Volatage is added together, capacity remains the same.


The parallel version of these cables connects the two battery packs together in such a way as to add the capacity of the packs together, while maintaining the same voltage. For example, two 3S 11.1 volt 3000mAh LiPo packs connected together in series will produce the equivalent of a single 3S 11.1 volt 6000mAh pack. Capacity is added together, voltage remains the same.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  Battery packs connected together using these cables must be the same brand and size, and identical in both voltage and capacity.  You should never attempt to connect battery packs together  made by different manufacturers, or that have different voltage or capacity ratings, as this will cause damage to one or both packs.  It is the responsibilty of the purchaser of these cables to make sure that the two packs connected together are identical.  In addition, you should never attempt to connect any LiPo battery that is "puffed" or swelled, or damaged in any way, to another pack, as differences in internal resistance of the cells of the pack may cause unexpected problems.  Packs connected together, in either series or in parallel, should be purchased together, at the same time, from the same manufacturer, and be identical in every way.


Use the first drop-down menus at the top of the page to select series or parallel connections, and then use the second drop-down menu to select the type of connectors you need.  


Series/Parallel Battery Cables

  • Connector Type Series Parallel
    Deans (T-Type) 12AWG 12AWG
    XT-60 12AWG 12AWG
    EC3 12AWG 12AWG
    EC5 1AWG 12AWG
    XT-90 10AWG 10AWG




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