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If you can't find a stock NavLight Set that meets your needs, don't give up just yet.  We design and build LOTS of custom Navigation Light Sets for our customers, and we'd love to build one to your specifications.  Many times we can take a stock unit and add a strobe, wingtip, or beacon, and create a set that satisfies the scale requirements of almost any model.  And best of all, we don't charge a wing and a gear (an arm and a leg) to do it!  Even if there isn't a stock set close enough to suit your needs, we can start from scatch and give you what you want.  We stock LEDs in several different sizes, colors, and brightness levels, and we can make them blink, strobe, rotate (simulated, of course), or just come on and off in almost any configuration you can imagine.  Give us a call, or use the Contact Form to tell us what you need, and we'll get a quote back quickly.  Be sure to include the length of wires you need on each LED, and whether or not you will need a disconnect or two to make wing removal easier. We can even build you a set that is powered from a seperate battery pack, if you prefer.


We look forward to working with you to make your next model "POP" with a set of Custom Navigation Lights!

Custom Navigation Lights


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