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The Deluxe Retract & Gear Door Sequencer is the newest in our collection of Door Sequencers, and offers a number of features and options in addition to those found on our previous sequencers.  Like all of our sequencers, this product is designed to provide coordinated control of the retract controllers and gear door servos used on many models, allowing the modeler to add an adjustable delay to the action of the gear doors, allowing time for the retracts to cycle up/down before the doors attempt to close.  The delay is adjustable from ~3 seconds to as much as 8-12 seconds, depending on other settings.  The unit plugs into just a single channel of your receiver, using a micro-processor to control the action of both the retracts and the gear door servos.


In addition to the adjustable delay, the circuit also includes a pair of Landing Lights (8mm 1/2-watt High-Power Staw Hat LEDs) which can be set to come on automatically when the gear are down.  A switch on the board allows the action of the LEDs to be toggled, to match the up/down position of the gear.  The gear door servos can also be reversed from the circuit board, allowing for easy setup with any model's configuration, and a third switch allow you to choose whether or not the gear doors close after the gear are fully down (P-51/P-47 style).  And finally, a fourth switch allows you to choose a 3-second delay on the action of the right retract coming up, to simulate the action of the gear on many WWII Warbirds.


The unit is regulated, allowing it to work with receivers operating at any voltage, including HV receivers.  It does not reduce the voltage going to either the retracts or the gear door servos, providing full speed and torque from the servos.  Setup instructions are included.


DOWNLOAD: Deluxe Retract & Gear Door Servo Sequencer Manual-Twin Doors

                       Deluxe Retract & Gear Door Servo Sequencer Manual-Twin Main Gear

Deluxe Retract & Gear Door Sequencer

  • Weight: 30 grams

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