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This kit is designed to replace ether the controller and/or the wingtip position lights that come pre-installed in several ARFs being manufactured by Seagull Models, including the Seagull Models Decathlon and the Segull Models Cessna 310.   These models, and possibly some others, come equipped with LED assemblies in both wingtips, but the LED in the right wingtip is blue, when it should be green.  In addition, the controller does not allow the modeler to control the navigation lights from the transmitter, forcing you to chose a pre-set pattern that is on any time the lights are connected to the battery.  This kit will solve both problems, providing you with a better, more scale-like set of navigation lights that can be switched on/off from your transmitter.


The LED assemblies that come with this kit are the same size (diameter) as the ones that come pre-installed in the models (12mm O.D.), and operate on the same voltage, 12 volts DC.  They are a direct replacement for the OEM (Seagull) LEDs, and can be installed in the same holes in the wingtps as the original LEDs.  They are ceramic (not plastic), and they contain three chip LEDs rather than the two that are used in the OEM LEDs, and feature a diffused lens or cover that makes them more visible from the side.  These LEDs will not get hot, and are much more rugged than the original LEDs.  The LEDs come with short wires that can be spliced into your existing wires, making replacment of the OEM LEDs as easy as possible.  We also sell the improved LEDs assemblies separately, in three colors, red/green, and white.  A finally, we offer a 3S 11.1 volt 1800mA LiPo battery that works perfectly with either the OEM light set, or our Upgrade Kit.


The controller that comes with this kit is our ARF Controller Version 2.0, which connects to a spare channel in the receiver, and gives you three modes of operation.  Mode #1 = All Lights Off, Mode #2 = Navigation and Strobes On, and Mode #3 = All Lights (including landing lights ) On.  There are three outputs for Navigation Lights, which when on are "solid", two outputs for double-blink strobes, and two outputs for landing lights.  You can use the controller to power the new LEDs as well as any of the OEM LEDs that you want to continue using.


The controller is compatible with LEDs that have 2 or 3-pin servo-type connectors pre-installed, and with two different pin configurations.  Consult the pictures above, (or the Instruction Sheet) for a diagram of the polarity of the output pins.  Unlike the OEM controller, our controller is connected to your receiver, but the LEDs are all powered by a separate 3S (11.1 volt) LiPo battery pack, just like the original controller.


This kit can be used with any model that comes with lights pre-installed from the factory, all you need is the room to install the 12mm LEDs into the wingtips.  If you aren't sure if you can use this kit on your model, just give us a call and we can help you decide which navigation light kit is the best fit for your modeling needs.


DOWNLOAD: Seagull Models Navigation Light Upgade Kit

Seagull Models Navigation Light Upgrade Kit

PriceFrom $3.99
  • LED Specifications:

    • 12mm O.D.,  30mm long.
    • 12 volts DC
    • 1.0 watt each  

    Controller Specifications:

    • 7 outputs - 3 x Navigation (solid), 2 x Double-blink Strobe, 2 x Landing Lights
    • 3 Modes - #1=All Lights Off, #2=Navs and Strobes On, #3=All Lights On
    • External Power to all LEDs via JST Connector
    • Regulated for use with any receiver voltage

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